

STUDIO55 produced a 'VR construction site and office' for job seekers at TOKYU CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD.

TOKYU CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. (Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; President: Mitsuhiro Terada).
VR and Metaverse products manufactured by STUDIO55.

This time, we produced the 'VR construction site' and the 'VR office'.
The 'VR construction site' was produced by Remocier and the 'VR office' by shapespark.
Metaverse space was produced by shapespark.

TOKYU CONSTRUCTION CO., LTD. has been faced with a change in the job-hunting style of students, with fewer opportunities for them to visit real construction sites,
The company faces challenges in communicating the attractiveness of the construction industry in terms of realism and scale, and young employees who had recently been job-hunting decided to plan a VR tool for job hunters based on their own experiences,
Based on their own experiences, the young employees, who had recently been looking for a job, decided to plan a VR tool aimed at job seekers.

The aim was to bridge the gap, promote the company to job seekers and develop digital talent internally for the long term.

The tool will be used exclusively by the company's recruiters in their graduate recruitment activities. 

[Press release published in the press].

Remocier: a concierge carefully guides you through the room in a VR space.
Highly customisable and easy to use with a single URL.
Originality can be expressed through BGM, image colours and tour content.
The service acts as a hub between the real facility and the user.
This time a 'VR construction site' was created.

 ◆shapespark: communication in VR and metaverse space in response to user operations, this software enables all kinds of performances such as presentations and sales activities.
It can be accessed from smartphones and tablets as well as computers, no special applications are required,
With a single URL, participation is possible anytime, anywhere.
This time the VR Office has been created.

STUDIO55 will continue to provide tools to facilitate DX in the construction and real estate market,
We will continue to provide more efficient and effective presentation and design support 'visualisation of design data'.

We have a wealth of experience in the VR and metaverse fields, so please contact us for more information.